Thursday, September 21, 2006

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

On Saturday evening we were out of milk. I knew that there was a small local shop which would be open, so I went there. Milk seems to be sold here in 1 litre plastic bottles for the most part, but 500ml containers are available. The shop had lots of litre bottles, but I don't use much milk, so I prefer the smaller amount. I a 500ml carton, read the word mléko (milk) and took it home.

We decided to have some tea before bed, and we had finished the previous milk earlier when we had a friend round after a meal out, so I handed Sue the fresh carton. Luckily she sniffed it before adding it to the tea. It was sour! I dug out the dictionary and read the other words on the carton carefully. Translated it read sour milk product.

It is quite refreshing if you know that's what you're drinking. It would not taste good in tea, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We drink something called "Karnemelk" in Holland, which sounds about the same - sour milk - which is apparently very refreshing (I never drink it..)