Monday, July 07, 2008

Practical Jokes

This Yehuda Moon cartoon made me chuckle and reminded me of something that happened years ago.

I worked in a hospital lab at the time and a few of us there were fond of practical jokes. One Friday I was going for a weekend cycle trip straight from work so I had a big saddlebag with all my luggage for the weekend.

I left work at about 6, strapped the bag to the bike and rode about 30 miles to a Youth Hostel. When I got there I unpacked my bag and found that one of my friends had slipped a 10lb lead weight into it. Like Yehuda I was embarrassed that I hadn't noticed the extra weight before I set off.

The bad news was that the lead weight was lab property, so I couldn't just ditch it. I had to ride with an extra 10lb in my bag for the whole weekend.

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